Thursday, July 11, 2013


**Hope you all are continuing to enjoy your summer activities.  Our playground is progressing!  The markers are being set for our new equipment and some cement has been poured.  The area for our new soccer field is being leveled.  It is all very exciting.  Lots of BIG trucks and equipment!  It is really fun to watch all the action!
**Our garden plot continues to explode with cucumber blossoms.  Our nasturtiums are blooming.  Pick some and put them in your salad.  Along with all the spices that are ready, you can come and pick baby celery, lots of green beans, swiss chard, kale, chives and lettuce.  Go ahead and observe the squash blossoms, tiny baby green peppers, lots of baby green tomatoes and dill.  I have been putting mint in my ice tea and made a great pesto salad with the basil.  Enjoy!
** What you reading?  How is "20,000 Reads Under the Sea" going?  Are you "Splashing into Math?"